25.11.2022 I Rupert Graf Strachwitz gibt einen Einblick in die Veranstaltung Frauen gegen Gewalt an Frauen >> Zum Videomitschnitt der Katholischen …
28 November 2022 | Members of civil society and politicians came together to discuss the use of culture in consolidating democracy >> Read our event …
16 November 2022 | Student assistant Lara Brett listened to activists speak about their work to ensure safe and legal access to abortion in Europe
19.10.2022 I Marie Kapretz I Observatorium 63 I An insight into the development of Catalan civil society and its role in the 11th century
Opusculum 170 | 19.09.2022 | Alina Bastian | An assessment of reconciliation efforts in
Opusculum 169 | 10.08.2022 | Siri Hummel, Rupert Strachwitz, Laura Pfirter | "Germany offers auspicious conditions for an active civil society, even if current …