The Maecenata Foundation is an independent tax-exempt operating foundation under German law, specialising in the subjects of civil society, civic engagement, philanthropy and foundations. The foundation is strongly committed to transnational and transcultural exchange, intercultural dialogue, and interdisciplinary work.

The foundation views itself as an independent think tank. Its mission is

  1. to further and promote knowledge and understanding of civil society (aka the Nonprofit and Third Sector) through research in the humanities and social sciences, academic teaching, and relevant publications,
  2. to participate in and organize the interplay between academia, politics and the field in regard to civil society and philanthropy,
  3. to enhance and empower civil society and philanthropy as a vital contributor to a free society,
  4. to further the understanding of civil society as a cohesive and yet heterogeneous arena in the public sphere,
  5. to contribute to this understanding through particular projects and by providing an overall picture,
  6. to offer specific services in connection with its overall mission, in as far as its tax exemption does not preclude it from doing so.

The Foundation was founded in 2010 by Rupert Graf Strachwitz. Two pre-existing programmes were incorporated into the foundation. Read more

Protest and Support – The Dual role of Israel’s Civil Society in 2023

Protest and Support – The Dual role of Israel’s Civil Society in 2023

Opusculum 191 | 28.05.2024 | The paper takes a look at various organisations that were active in the protests to preserve democracy and …

Rotary in Ukraine – Findings of an Accompanying Research Project

Rotary in Ukraine – Findings of an Accompanying Research Project

Opusculum 190 | 21.05.2024 | The surveys show that a large number of Rotary clubs operated independently of centrally collected funds and …

Maecenata Enters a New Phase

Maecenata Enters a New Phase

Press Release | 02.04.2024 | From 6th May, 2024, after nearly 35 years, Maecenata will have a new CEO. Founder Rupert Graf …

PressInfo: Recommendation on the promotion of civil society published by the European Commission

PressInfo: Recommendation on the promotion of civil society published by the European Commission

Press Information | 17.01.2024 The following text is a excerpt (pp. 1–2, 5–6) from the European Commision’s Recommendation on …

>>further news

“11 Trends in Philanthropy for 2023” published

“11 Trends in Philanthropy for 2023” published

29.08.2023 I "The philanthropic sector is an ecosystem: a web of interdependent actors, infinitely variable, striving constantly to build …

Summary of webinar on EU anti-money loundering & CTF policies

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Call for Applications: Scholarships for PhD Candidates in Peace & Conflict Resolution

Call for Applications: Scholarships for PhD Candidates in Peace & Conflict Resolution

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ISTR 16th International Conference July 16-19, 2024

ISTR 16th International Conference July 16-19, 2024

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Civil Society is Here to Stay! A Report on the Shrinking Civic Space Project (2019-2023)

Civil Society is Here to Stay! A Report on the Shrinking Civic Space Project (2019-2023)

Opusculum 186 | 01.03.2024 | New report on the research and policy project conducted by the Maecenata Institute from 2019 to …

Contested Civic Spaces: A European Perspective

Contested Civic Spaces: A European Perspective

Maecenata Schriften |  Band 22 | 2023 For some years, we have observed a broad public discussion over the shrinking civic space. …

Listening is not enough: An assessment of the Feedback Loop Methodology

Listening is not enough: An assessment of the Feedback Loop Methodology

Opusculum 165 | 13.07.2022 | Luisa Bonin | The CEOs of most foundations see “listening to and learning from those they seek to help as a …

Maecenata: In a nutshell

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