The Europa Bottom-Up series is an electronic publication series, which has been published by the Maecenata Foundation since 2013 in line with its Europe programme. As well as reports on activities from this area, the series also includes relevant working papers from the Foundation’s employees as well as from external experts. The individual publications are not necessarily academic. The entire publication series is electronically registered with the German National Library with an ISSN number (2197-6821), with individual publications registered via a URN (Uniform Resource Name) and are therefore fully quotable (so-called ‘grey literature.’) They are available to the public as free PDF downloads and are copyright protected by the Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 DE) license.
The series features interdisciplinary works of around 20-100 pages on the topic of Europe, with an emphasis on European engagement from citizens. The series is in principle open to any author. Publications are in German and English, and also available in other languages in special cases.
The series can accept presentations, working and prelimiary results, smaller studies and conference reports as well as student term papers. It is possible to publish several works in one edition.
Publication is free. Manuscripts should be pre-formatted by the authors ( >> Information for Authors) link in the German version is broken. Publications in book form can be ordered by authors or by third parties at cost price.
Submitted manuscripts are checked and approved for publication by the Maecenata Foundation’s board. In exceptional cases external appraisers are sought. After the submission of manuscripts that are ready to printing and the clarification of other questions the issue is quickly published.