Videos and Podcasts

We have uploaded recordings and video clips from past events onto our YouTube channel.

We have appeared on the following podcasts:

22.07.2022, Stiftungsmarktplatz

teaser podcast folge111 1068x601 1

AHOI, NPO! – der #FreitagsPodcast von#stiftungenstärken: Folge 111: Die Zivilgesellschaft ist immer politisch




We have appeared in the following radio broadcasts:

15.09.2022, rbb

B 0913 RBB LogoOn 15 September 2022, Strachwitz spoke to the RBB radio station about the decision of Patagonia’s founder, Yves Chouinard, to restructure his organisation as a trust and thereby donate money to the fight against climate change. Listen to the interview here (in German):


We participated in the following events (You can find more videos on our YouTube-Channel):

14.05.2018, Münchner Zukunftssalon

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On 14 May 2018, Strachwitz gave a speech about cooperation with Europe (in German):

07.09.2022, Landtag Nordrhein Westfalen

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On 7th September Strachwitz gave a keynote speech about civic engagement in North Rhine-Westphalia in the state parliament:

November 2022, Science Slam for the Deutschen Stiftung für Engagement und Ehrenamt (DSEE)

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In November 2022, Siri Hummel, Deputy Director of the Maecenata Institute, took part in the DSEE’s Science Slam. She spoke about her research on diversity in civil society organisations. Watch her presentation here (in German):

05.05.2023, “30 Jahre – Blick in die Zukunft” 

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On 5 May, Strachwitz participated in an event that celebrated the 30th birthday of the German Fundraising Organisation (Deutscher Fundraising Verband). The event recording is available on YouTube: (in German)