11.07.2023 I ECSO project completed: Help for CSOs and Activists Part of the 3-year research project of our Maecenata Institute “Shrinking Civic Spaces …
Maecenata Schriften | Band 22 | 2023 For some years, we have observed a broad public discussion over the shrinking civic space. While the focus
07.07.2023 I European Wasatia Graduate School for Peace and Conflict Resolution offers 10 scholarships Our foundation’s MENA Study Centre, lead by Dr. Udo …
06.07.2023 I ‘Crisis After Crisis After…: What About the Third Sector?’ The International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR) has announced its 16th …
27.06.2023 I Results of a survey of Ukrainian civil society organizations (CSOs) conducted by Chatham House researchers in November–December 2022 The survey, …
17.04.2023 I Academics, researchers and other civil society stakeholders discuss the sector's connection to European
26.06.2023 I “Societies where civil society is absent, afraid, cowed, and unable to emerge are societies made weaker, less participatory, and vulnerable …
What ? Development of democracy Civic space Civil society Philanthropy Foundations Civic engagement How? Researching (to an academic standard) Producing …
17.04.2023 I Academics, researchers and other civil society stakeholders discuss the sector's connection to European
23.03.2023 | Former Maecenata and German Chancellor Fellow Luisa Bonin presents her research at a Philea event on 23 March Luisa Bonin from Brazil was a …