Opusculum 191 | 28.05.2024 | The paper takes a look at various organisations that were active in the protests to preserve democracy and examines their …
Opusculum 190 | 21.05.2024 | The surveys show that a large number of Rotary clubs operated independently of centrally collected funds and carried out many …
Press Release | 02.04.2024 | From 6th May, 2024, after nearly 35 years, Maecenata will have a new CEO. Founder Rupert Graf Strachwitz, who is
29.08.2023 I “The philanthropic sector is an ecosystem: a web of interdependent actors, infinitely variable, striving constantly to build something …
11.07.2023 I ECSO project completed: Help for CSOs and Activists Part of the 3-year research project of our Maecenata Institute “Shrinking Civic Spaces …
Maecenata Schriften | Band 22 | 2023 For some years, we have observed a broad public discussion over the shrinking civic space. While the focus
Europe Bottom Up Nr. 28 | 23.09.2022 I Viktoria Kaffanke and Dr. Udo Steinbach I This report was written and published following the workshop organised …
17.04.2023 I Academics, researchers and other civil society stakeholders discuss the sector's connection to European
26.06.2023 I “Societies where civil society is absent, afraid, cowed, and unable to emerge are societies made weaker, less participatory, and vulnerable …
17.04.2023 I Academics, researchers and other civil society stakeholders discuss the sector's connection to European