Opusculum 191 | 28.05.2024 | The paper takes a look at various organisations that were active in the protests to preserve democracy and examines their …
Opusculum 190 | 21.05.2024 | The surveys show that a large number of Rotary clubs operated independently of centrally collected funds and carried out many …
11.07.2023 I ECSO project completed: Help for CSOs and Activists Part of the 3-year research project of our Maecenata Institute “Shrinking Civic Spaces …
17.04.2023 I Academics, researchers and other civil society stakeholders discuss the sector's connection to European
Opusculum 169 | 10.08.2022 | Siri Hummel, Rupert Strachwitz, Laura Pfirter | "Germany offers auspicious conditions for an active civil society, even if current …
Opusculum 82 | 01.05.2015 | German International Volunteer Service Programmes between Subsidiarity and
Opusculum 78 | 02.11.2014 | How Foundations from the US and Germany differntiate in theri work in terms of envrionmental
Opusculum 79 | 01.11.2014 | Regulations and Practices in German-Speaking