Maecenata Institute Publications

White paper to guide future research in response to CSOs knowledge needs

17.04.2023 I Academics, researchers and other civil society stakeholders discuss the sector's connection to European

Overbearing State and Stubborn Civil Society?

Opusculum 82 | 01.05.2015 | German International Volunteer Service Programmes between Subsidiarity and

Doing Environment and Nature Protection Differently: How Foundations Differ in Their Work on Environmental Issues in Germany and the United States

Opusculum 78 | 02.11.2014 | How Foundations from the US and Germany differntiate in theri work in terms of envrionmental

Enhancing Third Sector Accountability through Financial Accounting

Opusculum 79 | 01.11.2014 | Regulations and Practices in German-Speaking

Rupert Strachwitz

Dr. Rupert Graf Strachwitz
Director of the Maecenata Institute
>> visit profile