
  • Rupert Strachwitz zum bürgerschaftlichen Raum in der Krise | Zur Corona Krise: Eine Stimme aus der Zivilgesellschaft 1 | 21.03.2020

    Rupert Strachwitz zum bürgerschaftlichen Raum in der Krise | Zur Corona Krise: Eine Stimme aus der Zivilgesellschaft 1 | 21.03.2020

    Bürgerschaftlichen Raum, der Raum der Zivilgesellschaft darf auch in Zeiten von Corona nicht bedrängt, beschnitten und eingeschränkt werden.
  • Changing Spaces for Civil Society

    Changing Spaces for Civil Society

    Observatorium 39 | 01.02.2020 | The report on the workshop "Changing Spaces for Civil Society" by Dr. Rupert Graf Strachwitz and Dr. Asif Afridi on the Transcultural Leadership Summit 2019, summarizes points and findings.
  • Constrained or Enabled?

    Constrained or Enabled?

    Observatorium 38 | 15.01.2020 | The role of Canada’s civil society in participating in civic discourse has changed significantly throughout history. The reduction in advocacy funding largely eroded the sector’s role as a mediator in civic discourse, so that civil society organizations largely operate at the level of policy implementation rather than policy design.
  • „Wir retten Menschen“

    „Wir retten Menschen“

    Observatorium 34 | 01.08.2019 | Die Seenotrettung im Mittelmeer ist bedroht. Schiffe mit Flüchtlingen an Bord dürfen in Italien kaum mehr anlegen, Flaggenentzug, Strafen und Prozesse drohen. Die Hilfsorganisation SOS MEDITERRANEE beobachtet eine zunehmende Kriminalisierung ihrer Arbeit und fordert die Europäische Union auf, zu handeln.
  • Shrinking Space for Civil Society (SCS)

    Shrinking Space for Civil Society (SCS)

    Observatorium 33 | 01.07.2019 | Eine vitale Zivilgesellschaft ist ein notwendiger Pfeiler einer gerechten und demokratischen Gesellschaft.
  • Se préoccuper du rétrécissement de l’espace civique en Europe occidentale, une sage précaution

    Se préoccuper du rétrécissement de l’espace civique en Europe occidentale, une sage précaution

    Observatorium 30 | 01.05.2019 | Partout dans le monde, dès le début des années 2000, le phénomène de « rétrécissement » ou de « fermeture » de l’espace de la société civile est identifié et fait l’objet de nombreuses analyses. En Europe, les études se concentrent sur les pays d’Europe Centrale et Orientale ou sur les Balkans occidentaux. Peu d’attention est portée aux évolutions des pratiques dans les démocraties bien établies du continent européen.
  • A Matter of Precaution – Watching the Shrinking Civic Space in Western Europe

    A Matter of Precaution – Watching the Shrinking Civic Space in Western Europe

    Observatorium 29 | 15.04.2019 | The global phenomenon of “closing” or “shrinking” space for civil society has been identified and increasingly analyzed since at least the beginning of the 2000s. In Europe, the focus has been on what has been happening in countries of Central and Eastern Europe or of the Balkans; by contrast, relatively little attention has been paid to developments in the continent’s older, established democracies.
  • The Shrinking Space of Civil Society: a Report on Trends, Responses, and the Role of Donors

    The Shrinking Space of Civil Society: a Report on Trends, Responses, and the Role of Donors

    Opusculum 128 | 01.04.2019 | Civil society is one of the main arenas of the democratization. However, in recent years the political space of civil society has become narrower and does not contribute to effective operation of civil society organisations (CSOs). Due to repression by governments, civil society organisations are encountering a series of challenges, which may extend to closing down the organisations. 
  • The Space for Civil Society and Civic Activism in Armenia

    The Space for Civil Society and Civic Activism in Armenia

    Observatorium 27 | 01.10.2018 | Despite the use of the whole ‘’artillery’’ of repression by authorities against the hundreds of thousands of protesters in the streets, the armenian activists resisted and achieved their goals. This served as proof that an intelligent mix of civil society resistance, dialogue, institutional development, capacity building, and proper use of media resources can lead to reclaiming of the shrunk political space. 
  • The Changing Space for Civil Society

    The Changing Space for Civil Society

    Europe Bottom-Up Nr.20 | 17.10.2017 I Siri Hummel, Philipp Kreutzer I Ein Symposium in Berlin am 17. Oktober 2017 – A Symposium in Berlin on 17th October 2017

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