15:00 Uhr - 16:30 Uhr
More than ever before, the far-reaching social transformations brought to the fore by the pandemic have encouraged philanthropic institutions to reassess their legitimacy. More than ever before, they have discovered trust to be an indispensable resource for successful philanthropy and a thriving civil society. But how to align philanthropic strategies towards a trust-driven approach in practice? Our event
Navigating Change: Implications for Trust in Philanthropy
on Monday, 29 March 2021 from 15.00 h – 16.30 h (CEST) online
will provide a unique opportunity to dive into the Philanthropy.Insight Assessment Tool which the Maecenata Foundation, together with experts and practitioners world-wide, has developed over the last two years. Carnegie UK Trust, the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian and DAFNE, the Donors and Foundations Networks in Europe, among others, have been close partners in this venture.
We invite participants to share experiences with regard to trust in philanthropic practice, and to hear how strategies have been designed and shaped for building trust: What are promising levers, who is best placed to take action in foundations, how is progress measured?
Reflecting the five building blocks of the Assessment Tool, we believe that there are many dimensions of trust in philanthropy at play – inside institutions, within the foundation community, among civil society, and in the interplay with government and the private sector.
We will be supported in our search for answers and practical directions by Sarah Davidson, Chief Executive, Carnegie UK Trust, Annegret Reisner, President of the Foundation Board, Stiftung Mercator Schweiz, and Rolf Alter, Director of the Philanthropy.Insight Project.
This discussion will take place in English.
Please register here, and please feel free to forward this invitation to colleagues, friends, and your broader networks. Login details will be provided in the morning of the event. Timo Unger (tu@maecenata.eu) is at your disposal to answer any questions you may have.
The basic document on the Philanthropy.Insight Assessment Tool can be downloaded here.
Please download the invitation >> here as PDF
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