Teaching: Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin (ASH), Protestant University of Applied Sciences Berlin (EHB), Catholic University of Social Services Berlin (KHSB) and the German Institute for Human Rights Berlin

Teaching activity as part of the postgraduate cooperation’s master degree in social work as a human rights profession at the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin (ASH), the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Berlin (EHB), the Catholic University of Social Services Berlin (KHSB) as well as the German Institute for Human Rights Berlin.

Lecturer: Dr. sc. Eckhard Priller.


Rupert Strachwitz

Dr. Rupert Graf Strachwitz
Vorstand der Maecenata Stiftung
>> zum Profil

Siri Hummel

Dr. Siri Hummel
Direktorin des Maecenata Instituts
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Eckhard Priller

Dr. Eckhard Priller
Wiss. Koordinator der Maecenata Stiftung
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