Venture Philanthropy (2007 abgeschlossen)

Venture Philanthropy, a notion coined in Anglo-Saxon countries, implies using „social investments“ strategically to solve social challenges. Venture Philanthropists with a background in venture capital or private equity are results-oriented. They measure the impact of their investments. They lend business know-how to the world of philanthropy in terms of financing and more importantly in terms of maximizing the impact of the organization they support.

Does Venture Philanthropy encompass an exciting and innovative approach to increase the effectiveness of the third sector and the nonprofit world or is it merely a new label? Do international Venture Philanthropy strategies work in Germany and Europe and how do they have to be adapted?

The conference seeks to provide a deeper understanding of Venture Philanthropy. It will present hands-on national and international best practices and concrete case studies such as the California-based “Social Impact Initiative.” The conference seeks to provide a platform for the exchange of novel strategic philanthropy approaches. We hope for an open and energetic dialogue among speakers and participants.

>> Programme of the Conference (PDF)

Results of the project have been published in 2010 as part of the series Maecenata Schriften (Volume 7: Venture Philanthropy in Theorie und Praxis).

>> Visit De Gruyter


Dr. Siri Hummel
Direktorin des Maecenata Instituts

Rupert Strachwitz

Dr. phil. Rupert Graf Strachwitz
Vorstand der Maecenata Stiftung,
Senior Strategic Advisor

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