9:00 Uhr - 18:00 Uhr
China’s New Silk Road Initiative (Belt and Road Initiative, BRI) has been spinning its logistical and infrastructural web around the world since 2013. Massive infrastructural investments in tracks and roads as well as in the agricultural and energy sector and logistical centers were made in over 50 countries in Eurasia. BRI is a central component of Chinese investment policies across the Eurasian continent and has been largely affected and interrupted by the current war in Ukraine, too.
Overall, China’s involvement and programs affected core public policy areas in over 100 countries in the world, and hence human rights and governance. It has a transformative impact in various directions, triggering on the one side social movements, sometimes protest and on the other, consolidating autocratic regimes and suppression.
Almost a decade after the official launch of BRI, this 2nd workshop will assess the BRI’s political and social implications across the heartland of Eurasia between Europe and China and discuss the impact of the BRI on a wide range of human rights-related topics.
The full programme with speakers and final times will be announced shortly and will be accessible here.
The workshop is co-hosted by the International Political Science Association (IPSA RC 34), the OSCE Academy in Bishkek, the Center on Governance through Human Rights, and the Maecenata Foundations’s MENA Study Centre.
Dr. Anja Mihr (OSCE Academy in Bishkek/ HVGP Centre on Government through Human Rights)
Dr. Brigitte Weiffen (IPSA Research Committee 34 “Quality of Democracy”/ Open University, Milton Keynes)
Dr. Udo Steinbach (MENA Study Centre)
The workshop will take place in English. Participation is possible online. Login details will be transmitted to all registered online participants on Friday 13th May, 2022.
For all technical and organisational matters and any questions, please contact Viktoria Kaffanke: vk@maecenata.eu