New Newsletter by Transnational Giving Europe

14th of June 2021 | via Transnational Giving Europe I The June Newsletter by TGE is published and filled with interesting developments and news about projects, organizations and significant information concerning cross-border philanthropy in Europe.

Discover our TGE Beneficiary of the month

Earlier this year, Techfugees became a beneficiary of Transnational Giving Europe. As they are launching an exciting new crowdfunding campaign this month, under the slogan #TechDownBorders, the TGE team interviewed Ms. Louise Brosset, Global Community Coordinator.

News from our partner FEDORA
Every year, our beneficiary and partner FEDORA Platform organizes a prizes competition to support new artistic works, advocate international collaboration, and encourage emerging artists while fostering creativity and intercultural dialogue. On June 17th, they organized their online Prizes Award Ceremony hosted at La Monnaie / De Munt in Brussels.

Phoenix Project
Our Italian partner TGE Fondazione Donor Italia Onlus, in collaboration with Bocconi University and Citi Foundation, is taking part in the „Phoenix Project„, an ambitious project to support third sector institutions.

Family Philanthropy Navigator
The Family Philanthropy Navigator by Peter Vogel, Etienne Eichenberger and Malgorzata Kurka is an inspirational guide for new and existing philanthropic families to initiate or enhance their journeys in giving. As familial philanthropy plays an important role in transnational giving, the TGE Team interviewed Etienne Eichenberger, one of its three authors, to learn more about the journey that led to the publication of the book and to discover its findings.

Enjoy your read!

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