EXTERN: Philanthropy: discussion and insight report

19:00 Uhr - 20:45 Uhr


„Discussion about philanthropy in recent years suggests that impact alone should not determine what is done by civil society and foundations. The concern is that simply talking about impact can lead to not-for-profit organisations to imitate for-profit companies, rather than brining to the table what is unique to them“ (Source: RSA)


„Speakers and Panel:

Dr Rupert Graf Strachwitz FRSA has been involved with not-for-profit organisations for well over thirty years, as a volunteer, staff member, board member, consultant, researcher, and lecturer. Since 1989, he has been Managing Director of Maecenata Management, a consultancy which specialises in foundations and associations, corporate citizenship and philanthropy. He is also Executive Director of the Maecenata Foundation, Deputy chairman of the German British Society in Berlin, Chairman of the Fliege Foundation, and Deputy Chairman of the ADAC Foundation.

Sufina Ahmad MBE FRSA became the John Ellerman Foundation’s Director in January 2020 and works closely with the trustees and all stakeholders, including grantees. Her previous roles involved working in corporate strategy and performance at the City of London Corporation, the National Lottery Community Fund, and the City Bridge Trust. She holds trusteeships with Just for Kids Law, We Belong, The Charterhouse, and the Association of Charitable Foundations.

Sir John Elvidge KCB FRSE, who currently chairs the Carnegie UK Trust, was Permanent Secretary of the Scottish Government from 2003 to 2010. He has previously worked in the Cabinet Office and the Scottish Office and has also held advisory roles with a range of government in both Europe and further afield. He is an Associate of the Institute for Government, writing Northern Exposure: Lessons from the first twelve years of Devolved Government in Scotland for IfG’s “Inside Out” series. A Carnegie Fellow from June 2012 to May 2014, he later became a Trustee.“ (Source: RSA)

Detailed information about the event can be found here: RSA EVENTS

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