Launch of Europe’s first online Transnational Giving Platform

06th of August 2020 | via Transnational Giving Europe | Press release by TG Europe to launch the first platform in order to facilitate cross-border philanthropy by allowing individuals and companies to make online donations and to benefit from tax deductions in their country of residence

We are thrilled to announce the launch of Europe’s first online Transnational Giving Platform, built by the Transnational Giving Europe Network, that will facilitate cross-border philanthropy by allowing individuals and companies to make online donations and to benefit from tax deductions in their country of residence.Two non-profit organisations, FEDORA and Common Goal are the first to pilot this new online donation platform.

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Europe’s first online Transnational Giving Platform

Press release

June 2020

Harnessing the digital shift to launch Europe’s first online cross-border giving platform boosting European philanthropy

On June 29th, 2020, FEDORA is pleased to introduce the new online Transnational Giving Europe Platform, built by the Transnational Giving Europe Network, to facilitate philanthropy across Europe. This solution is made available on the occasion of the launch of the fundraising campaigns of the nominees of the FEDORA Prizes 2020.

The platform aims at simplifying the process of European online cross-border donations through a digital user-friendly experience, allowing individuals and companies to make donations to causes and organisations of their choice across Europe while benefiting from tax deductions in their country of residence in a secured legal and fiscal framework.


This initiative is co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, and the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation in Geneva, with the support of the King Baudouin Foundation in Brussels, and is powered by iRaiser, a leading expert in Europe for digital fundraising solutions for non-profit organisations.

Two organisations have participated in the development of this system and will also be the first non-profit organisations in Europe to use this new online donation platform: FEDORA, the European Platform supporting innovation and intercultural dialogue in the fields of opera and ballet, and Common Goal, a philanthropic movement that encourages professional football players, managers and businesses to pledge a minimum of one percent of their earnings to sports-based non-profit organisations that advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

How does Transnational Giving Europe work?

Individual and corporate residents from the following countries can benefit from national tax deductions on their donations thanks to the collaboration with Transnational Giving Europe’s national partner foundations:

Austria Philanthropie Stiftung Österreich

Belgium King Baudouin Foundation

Bulgaria BCause

Croatia European Foundation for Philanthropy and Society Development (EFPSD)

France Fondation de France

Germany Maecenata Stiftung

Greece Higher Incubator Giving Growth & Sustainability – HIGGS

Hungary Carpathian Foundation Hungary

Italy Fondazione Lang Europe Onlus

Romania Odorheiu Secuiesc Community Foundation

Spain Empresa y Sociedad Fundación

Switzerland Swiss Philanthropy Foundation

United Kingdom Charities Aid Foundation



Cross-border giving is subject to many constraints. Donors are not enabled yet to support online non-profit organisations close to their heart on a European level. National fiscal regulations vary from country to country and the absence of uniformity induces slow processes of donations. In collaboration with other actors, Transnational Giving Europe advocates for a single market of philanthropy in Europe with high standards of good governance.

By 2021, the pilot version of the online Transnational Giving Europe Platform will be scaled up to include a large number of European countries and as many beneficiaries as possible, the goal is to make this solution accessible to the entire European non-profit sector by enabling any non-profit organisation to raise funds across Europe.


Edilia Gänz, Director,
Mary-Éthel Siméonidès, Press Relations,
+ 33 (0) 1 42 89 59 85 / + 33 (0) 6 08 71 91 66

Common Goal
Thomas Preiss, Co-Founder
Ben Miller, Media Relations
+34 (0) 661 33 62 41

Transnational Giving Europe
Anne-Laure Paquot
Network Manager
+ 32 (0) 2 549 61 61

King Baudouin Foundation
Ludwig Forrest, Head of International Philanthropy
+ 32 (0) 2 549 02 38

Swiss Philanthropy Foundation
Aïssata Traoré
Project Coordinator
+41 (0) 22 732 55 54

“The European Commission is delighted to contribute through FEDORA and its Creative Europe programme to a pioneering pilot project to facilitate cross-border giving and boost philanthropy in Europe. The new online Transnational Giving Platform will be important to shape the European approach to philanthropy. We are pleased that this private-public interdisciplinary digital project, co-developed by Transnational Giving Europe in collaboration with FEDORA and Common Goal (representing the cultural and sports sectors) is likely to benefit in the long term the entire European non-profit sector. Solidarity and generosity should not be hindered by borders, especially in today’s challenging times.”

Barbara Gessler

Head of Unit, Creative Europe, General Direction for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture of the European Commission

“In a quickly changing world and with raising uncertainties, the first online Transnational Giving Europe Platform, built by the Transnational Giving Europe Network, offers added value for donations. This project puts a digital tool at the service of the pure human need to give to causes close to one’s heart. With this new online giving solution, we bridge the gap between European donors and the non-profit sector and move one step closer to a single European market for philanthropy. Doing good has never been easier, so let us unlock the full potential of generosity across Europe together!”

Cvjetana Plavsa-Matic

Chairwoman of Transnational Giving Europe

“This European initiative harnesses the digital shift and unites us all in the support of artists across borders. Together, we can unlock the full potential of creativity in the interdisciplinary fields of opera and dance through innovative collaborative projects that engage our hearts and minds. As a non-profit cultural organization, FEDORA is honored to pioneer this new online giving solution which transforms the way donors can support and establish ties with artistic projects around Europe.”

Jérôme-François Zieseniss

President of FEDORA   

“Common Goal is a proud supporter of the Transnational Giving Europe Platform initiative and excited for its launch. The platform will transform an integral part of our operations as we can now offer a more efficient way for our members to make tax deductible donations. This digital solution will help us direct more resources into focusing on our purpose – to unite the global football community in supporting charitable initiatives that help drive progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals.”

Thomas Preiss

Co-Founder of Common Goal

“As a UK-based donor since 2017, this digital solution will make donating to Common Goal much easier and faster. I definitely see this tool aiding in making philanthropy more efficient and inclusive across Europe and the UK.”

Juan Mata

Manchester United Midfielder and Common Goal Member

“We believe in collaborations and in promoting philanthropy. The creation of a digital donation platform on a European scale is an essential milestone to facilitate access to philanthropy and promote cross-border generosity between donors and beneficiary organisations, while meeting the highest requirements of good governance. Swiss Philanthropy Foundation is proud to support this project carried by the Transational Giving Europe network, in collaboration with FEDORA and Common Goal.”

Sabrina Grassi

Director General of Swiss Philanthropy Foundation

“As coordinator of the Transnational Giving Europe Network, the King Baudouin Foundation is pleased to introduce this innovative digital solution that will finally facilitate cross-border generosity in Europe. Now, more than ever, European philanthropy will be able to play its complementary role to public action. Many European donors will be able to use this platform to support projects of general interest in most European countries under the best conditions.

Ludwig Forrest

Head of International Philanthropy of King Baudouin Foundation 


Transnational Giving Europe (TGE) Netzwerk

Anne-Laure Paquot
Network Manager
+ 32 (0) 2 549 61 61

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