
Call on EU Institutions to safeguard democracy and foster civic space

16.09.2024 | 416 civil society organisations call on the EU Institutions to safeguard democracy and foster civic

Betterplace Lab-Studie: NICHT KLEINZUKRISEN! Was die Zivilgesellschaft resilient macht

15.03.2024 | Neue Studie von Betterplace Lab beleuchtet die organisationale Resilienz in der Zivilgesellschaft anhand von 200 untersuchten

New Report: Closing Civic Space in the United States – Connecting the Dots, Changing the Trajectory

11.03.2024 | New report by Dr. Rachel Kleinfeld examines how dozens of governments have restricted the ability of civil society

Freedom in the World 2024 Report: The Mounting Damage of Flawed Elections and Armed Conflict

01.03.2024 | Freedom House publishes 2024 Report with concerning

Civil Society is Here to Stay! A Report on the Shrinking Civic Space Project (2019-2023)

Opusculum 186 | 01.03.2024 | New report on the research and policy project conducted by the Maecenata Institute from 2019 to