16.03.2023 | A new report released today by the European Civic Forum (ECF), Fighting for Democratic Empowerment and Resilience’ highlights the deterioration …
22.02.2023 | Transnational Giving accredits the independent Turkish organisation Support to Life as a partner in
Opusculum 172 | 25.01.2023 | Luisa Bonin | How Foundations and Funders Listen: A Qualitative Review in Europe and
Opusculum 168 | 19.01.2023 | Bente Kruijer | Church asylum in Germany: An analysis of the positions of church asylum actors during the policy changes on …
12.12.2022 I Dr. Stefan Cibian I Observatorium 64 I An insight in Romanian civil society, its challenges and its
10.03.2022 The following list contains all the relief funds and projects for Ukraine that you can donate to through the Maecenata Foundation. All six relief …
11.11.2022 I Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has won the Brazilian presidential elections On 30 October 2022, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva won the Brazilian
08.11.2022 I Insight into PEXForum 2022 in Istanbul PEX forum 2022 and the strong urge to dive deeper By Elisa Spreter From 24th to 26th
Observatorium 44 | 29.07.2020 | Beobachtungen zur Reformpolitik des neuen kasachischen Präsidenten wirkt sich positiv auf die Entwicklung des …