Where does German Humanitarian Assistance stand? Wo steht die deutsche humanitäre Hilfe?

Opusculum 129 | 01.05.2019 | Where does German Humanitarian Assistance stand? Ralf Südhoff and Sonja Hövelmann on the stand of german humanitarian help

1. Introduction

The Federal Government’s humanitarian assistance, and with it Germany’s role in the humanitarian landscape, is undergoing dramatic changes. The quadrupling of funds made available since 2014 has redefined Germany’s role in the humanitarian world, making Germany the second largest donor state. This is extremely valuable, given the growing number of people in need and a more than tenfold increase in global humanitarian needs since the early 2000s (see Figure 1).

Cha grafik opusculum 129, fig 1

Fig. 1



Ralf Südhoff

Ralf Südhoff

International Studies M.A.
Leiter des Centre for Humanitarian Action

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Sonja Hövelmann

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

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