Observatorium 68 I 14.08.2023 I Melanie Hien I Civil society in Hungary at a turning point? Challenges for organizations >> PDF Download Civil society in …
13.07.2023 I Philea and Civil Society Europe publish summary of their discussion “Philea and Civil Society Europe recently hosted a webinar to discuss …
11.07.2023 I ECSO project completed: Help for CSOs and Activists Part of the 3-year research project of our Maecenata Institute “Shrinking Civic Spaces …
Maecenata Schriften | Band 22 | 2023 For some years, we have observed a broad public discussion over the shrinking civic space. While the focus
06.07.2023 I ‘Crisis After Crisis After…: What About the Third Sector?’ The International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR) has announced its 16th …
17.04.2023 I Academics, researchers and other civil society stakeholders discuss the sector's connection to European
Opusculum 173 | 08.02.2023 | Lara Brett | An insight into current abortion laws and the challenges they create for civic
What ? Development of democracy Civic space Civil society Philanthropy Foundations Civic engagement How? Researching (to an academic standard) Producing …
In terms of its academic scope, the foundation sees itself as an academic research centre, an educational and teaching institution, a policy think tank. In …
22.02.2023 The Maecenata Foundation is involved in helping citizens in Syria and Turkey who have been severely affected by the earthquake. As part of its …