14.10.2022 | “Digitalisation is a fundamental global driver of change”
The International Civil Society Centre has published its 2022 report on the opportunities and challenges that digitalisation presents to civil society’s work. According to the ICS Centre, this work aims to raise awareness of the work that the sector is already doing to advance digitalisation, in addition to sharing best practices to create “a more resilient and impactful civil society.”
Digitalising tools and services is key. An understanding of how to do so, and ensuring access to such resources, can bridge the “digital divides” and combat “digital imperialism.” This in turn will help civil society actors to reach a wider audience and facilitate dialogue with state and market groups. Digitalisation also benefits the public. It allows citizens to “contribute their own voice” when tackling local, national and global challenges.
The report also presents various case studies for digital equity and data lakes, such as Plan International’s Equality Tech and Corruption Watch’s Vesta Tool.
This precedes the ICS Centre’s recommendations for the 10 million organisations constituting civil society today. Critical analysis of the “power dynamics around technology and data” is key, alongside using such data to inform action plans and undrstanding the various contexts in which data is used.